Autre(s) titre(s): NOTICIARI DE LAYA FILMS
Genre: Newsreel
Année: 1937
Description: ESPANYA AL DIA [SPAIN TODAY], Laya Films newsreel produced during the Spanish Civil War made up of the following news reports: 1. LA "HOME FLEET" EN EL MEDITERRÁNEO Images of several British navy ships, including the battleship, Nelson, anchored in the port of Barcelona with sailors on deck. The narrator highlights Britain's neutral stance in the war. 2. LLEGAN A BARCELONA MILICIAS PROCEDENTES DEL FRENTE DE ARAGÓN Images of a train carrying militiamen arriving at the Estació de França train station. Soldiers line up in formation on the platform to welcome them and a band plays music. The soldiers get off the train and leave the station, where they gather together. The narrator points out that the soldiers are part of the Iberian Federal Party required to head to the Malaga front as reinforcements. 3. MALAGA (sic) View of the city of Malaga. The narrator notes that the city has fallen into the hands of the National troops after a long period of resistance. Images are shown of buildings that have been destroyed in the fighting. 4. LA LUCHA EN EL FRENTE SUR Images of soldiers crouched behind and shooting over a barricade. The narrator notes that this is the line of defence established a few kilometres from Malaga. View of a town and the surrounding countryside. An officer looks through a telescopic sight. 5. CUATRO AMBULANCIAS NORTEAMERICANAS LLEGAN A BARCELONA DE PASO PARA EL FRENTE DE MADRID Images of the Plaça Sant Jaume square where four ambulances donated by the 'American Friends of Spanish Democracy' association are parked. Fifteen nurses and six doctors also form part of this aid. One of the ambulances has been donated by the daughter of Henry Ford. Reception and images of the volunteers in the Pati dels Tarongers [Orange Tree Courtyard] by Government of Catalonia president, Lluís Companys. 6. MUJERES, ANCIANOS Y NIÑOS SON EVACUADOS DE MADRID Images of children, men and women as they arrive at Madrid's Arganda station carrying luggage and bundles. The narrator points out that a war order has proclaimed the mandatory evacuation of the city. Images of people waiting on the platform and of children climbing into a single carriage. Images of the evacuees on the train. 'Madrid-Mondejar' is written on the side of the train carriage. Parents are shown waving their children goodbye. 7. UNA BODA EN LA ESCUELA POPULAR DE GUERRA Images of a militiaman in uniform with his wife at the gates of the Popular School of War. The couple have just got married and they walk down the steps while other soldiers present arms, creating an archway with their raised swords. The couple smile at the camera and, surrounded by other smiling soldiers, they kiss. 8. OVIEDO View of the city of Oviedo with the sound of the fighting in the background. Trenches are shown from which militiamen are shooting. The narrator points out that the city is surrounded by Republican soldiers, which already occupy the peripheral neighbourhoods. It also stresses that National troops have destroyed the city. Images of ruined buildings are shown, as well as soldiers moving through the trenches. 9. LOS PRESIDENTES AZAÑA Y COMPANYS VISITAN LAS INDUSTRIAS DE GUERRA Images of President of the Spanish Republic, Manuel Azaña, and President of the Government of Catalonia, Lluís Companys, as they visit a munitions and arms factory in Catalonia. Workers are shown operating heavy machinery and polishing rifles, as well as the final result: the ammunition and artillery. 10. UN BATALLÓN DE MILICIAS VASCAS, DISPUESTO PARA MARCHAR AL FRENTE, DESFILA DELANTE DEL PRESIDENTE AGUIRRE Y DEL GOBIERNO DE EUZCADI (sic) EN PLENO Images of the Basque military on parade through the streets of Bilbao, presided over by the Basque government, who watch from the balcony of the Lendakaritza government building: President Aguirre can be seen alongside Basque government ministers, Jesús Maria de Leizaola, Justice, Ramon Maria Aldasoro, Commerce, Heliodoro de la Torre, Finance, Telesforo Monzon, Interior, Juan de los Toyos, Labour, Juan Gracia, Welfare, Gonzalo Nárdiz, Agriculture, Juan Astigarrabia, Public Works, and Santiago Aznar, Industry. 11. LA REVOLUCIÓN CREA NUEVAS ESCUELAS Images of a number of Republican schools, where children are seen studying in classrooms and playing in the playground. The narrator specifically mentions Escola de Mar and the important work being done so that more than fifty thousand children have the opportunity to attend school during wartime.
Mots-clés: infanteria marina; milicians; estacions de tren; Front d'Aragó; runes; defenses militars; trinxeres; ambulàncies; infermeres; refugiats; evacuats; núvies; bodes; indústries de guerra; artilleria; munició; desfilades militars; educació / Màlaga (ciutat); Málaga (província); Madrid (ciutat); Arganda, estació d' (Madrid ciutat); Oviedo; Bilbao; Barcelona (ciutat); França, estació de (Barcelona); Sant Jaume, plaça de (Barcelona); Tarongers, pati dels (Palau de la Generalitat); Escola del Mar / Spanish Civil War documentary; Laya Films. Original newsreels; Propaganda film; warships; naval infantry; militiamen; train stations; The Aragon Front; rubble; military defences; trenches; ambulances; nurses; refugees; evacuees; bride and groom; weddings;
Fournisseur: Filmoteca de Catalunya
Droits: In Copyright / Generalitat de Catalunya
Société de production: Laya Films
Couleur: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Type de document:
Recueil: Laya Films
Language: es